Monday, April 12, 2010


Thankgoodness today was my rest day... although a part of me felt guilty for not working out since I have been 6 days in a row. My weight hasn't changed which was a little dissapointing but I noticed I fit better in some of my clothes.

Today I spent the whole day with Russ. He's leaving tomorrow to Jakarta for a month so I'm pretty sad. Anyways I didn't eat too well today but whatever it's my day of splurging a little :P Starting tomorrow, I will eat more healthier and this time I got to stick to it!! It will be a little easier since Russ will be gone. I can focus more on my diet & exercise.

Breakfast: 4 small pcs of portuguese sausage, Japanese style egg omlette (2 eggs), rice and 3 small pcs of garlic potatoes
Late lunch (pupus at Ryan's): 1 pc peking duck, salad sampler (pea salad, chicken salad and pasta salad.. I ate half), 1 pc of kung pao pizza and a couple fries... oh and a kid's sundae!! Russ ordered it!! eep.
Dinner (at Benihana): Split the jumbo shrimp meal with Russ since we weren't too hungry. Had a couple pcs of scallops too. Ate most of my veggies and a little less than half of my garlic fried rice. Green tea ice cream for dessert.

Ugh, I ate so bad today. Tomorrow is a new day.

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