Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Insanity DAY 1!

I finally received Insanity in the mail this Saturday. I was pretty excited but I wanted to wait till Monday since I would be spending the weekend at the Hilton Hotel with Russell for a little weekend getaway. Plus the Insanity calander starts on a Monday. Anyway, I will be blogging my progress and what I eat so I can be on track!

Today I started DAY 1 of Insanity which is the fitness test. Man I've heard a lot of things about Insanity.. like how hard it is, how they threw up the first time they did it and how they cried in the second month.. so I was already kind of expecting the worst. But I've also heard a lot of good RESULTS and that's all that matters.

So I did the fitness test and boy was it tough. I was dripping with sweat (that's a good thing) and feeling like I was just going to fall over from doing so many push up jacks and suicide jumps. This program is called Insanity for a reason!! My sister was a great motivater and helper. She kept me on track of how many I did of each exercise and logged it in =) When I was finally done with the fitness test, I was SO relieved and felt pure joy to have completed the first dvd. It was hard!! I can only imagine how the rest is going to be. But even after taking a shower, my legs were shaking. Yeah, that intense. I will continue to blog about each work-out I do everyday. I'm not going to include what I ate today cause it was BAD!! LOL. I'm going to start fresh tomorrow and eat healthier!! This weekend I wasn't so good about eating especially cause I was having a mini-vaca at the hotel with the lover.

Russ is leaving next week for about a month to Jakarta so this is the perfect time for me to focus on my fitness. I won't have as much interference since he'll be gone =P This is a 60 day work-out plan, but hopefully by the time he gets back, I'll look better & more toned! I want him to be surprised. I am so ready for this!! =)

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