Friday, April 9, 2010

Insanity DAY 4

Breakfast: Jamba banana oatmeal & OJ
Snack: Couple bites of the organic lunches at school which was bite size chicken and peas, Fiber One yogurt
Lunch: Won ton soup
Snack: Fruit cup (pears)
Dinner: A bunch of left overs.. chicken katsu, garlic scallop fried rice, potato salad, teriyaki salmon and miso soup

Workout: Cardio Recovery
Since it is a recovery, it wasn't as "intense" as the other ones BUT it was still pretty tough. I shouted out, "I hate you Sean T" as I did my painful lunges. I was relieved that it was only 30 min though!

After I finished my workout, I drank the AMP Amplified Wheybolic Shake which is suppose to help ease the pain the next day and make you stronger to workout. It didn't taste too bad.. kind of like a watered down chocolate milk. HOWEVER, I do feel a bit nauseaus now. Not sure if it's cause of that or cause of the quick trim I took today. I ended up running to the toilet and puking just a little. UGHHH. I hope I feel ok tomorrow.

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