Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Insanity DAY 2

So hopefully I won't pass out as I write this because I just finished DAY 2 of Insanity. I started it at 12 at midnight (dumb I know!) but that's because I had finished work at 6 and thought that I'd be able to do it a little later around 9pm. So I was planning to rest & eat dinner first. Then my bf surprises me and comes to my place after work and decides that he wants to go to Shokudo to eat and then to Walmart to buy a suitcase. I had already eaten dinner so I decided to just tag along and maybe nibble on a few things lol.

Anyways, DAY 2 was hardcore. The beginning started off okay but by the middle of the dvd I was ready to give up. But I kept going and pushed myself. My sis & mom were there to cheer me on and motivate me =) They are so cute. Although I took more breaks than needed, I still worked my BUTT OFF like crazy. I was dripping with sweat, it almost look like I came out of a shower. I guess that's a good thing though right? It was cute when my mom decided to jump in and work out with me.. she lasted for maybe 5 min haha.

After the workout was done, I was in great relief and could not wait to take a shower. I feel pretty good right now.. very relaxed and getting pretty sleepy. Oh yeah I went to GNC after work today and bought a post workout shake but I didn't take it tonight cause I didn't want to drink it so late at night. A friend told me that it would help me the next day from not being in so much pain from the workout lol. Hopefully it tastes good though? I got chocolate =)

So here is what I ate today (I did pretty good throughout the day but couldn't help but nibble on a few things at Shokudo..eep!)

Breakfast: Jamba's Protein Berry Bowl (my new addiction)... I realized though that this isn't exactly easy on the calories. It's a whopping 570 calories (I just searched it now). GAWD DAMN. That is more than a meal!! Oh well, at least I ate in the morning? It tastes so good too..

Lunch: Leftover steak & salad w/vinegrette dressing & tomatoes, string cheese, apple sauce

Snack: Handful of cheez-its (not good).

Dinner: Panda's orange chicken, honey walnut shrimp and mix steamed veggies (no rice!)

Late-night snack (THIS IS WHERE I CAVED IN): 1 pc of chicken quesidilla from Shokudo, 1 pc of scallop sushi and a couple bites of the scallop garlic rice.. so yummy yet so bad!!!!!

Ok so I tried to cut back on the carbs and I would have if I hadn't went to Shokudo but the food just looked too good. Plus my bf kept on insisting me to try their new dishes lol. Blame it on him!!

Tomorrow I think I may have to stick to oatmeal instead.. less calories! Ok, I think I'm ready to pass out. Good night.

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