Saturday, April 10, 2010


Breakfast: Jamba's Protein Berry Bowl
Lunch (Potluck at work.. had a little bit of everything!): Kim chee fried rice, 2 pc of shoyu chicken (small), burrito (cut into a small pc), corn, brocolli, potato salad, lemon cake & butter mochi (BAD I KNOW!!.. I couldn't resist)
Snack: Munched on taro bread
Dinner: 1 cup of cream of mushroom soup, half a slice of tuna sandwich (did not eat crust) and a small bowl of spaghetti (left overs)

I did the Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs tonight. When I read that, I wasn't looking forward to it at all!! Gosh, I hate doing so many jumps & squats.. my legs are burning. I love Sean T but hate him at the same time. I tried to keep up with what I could but it was very difficult and had to stop numerous times throughout the workout. But I was dripping with sweat and my heart was racing so fast. My stomach is hurting right now.. I think it's from the ab workout. I feel nauseous.. bleh.

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