Monday, April 26, 2010


Ok so I know I have been MAJORLY slacking on update my food blog and progress on Insanity but I guess I kind of hit a bump in the road. I was a little discouraged cause I weighed myself on the 2nd week of Insanity and lost a meager 1 lb. Yeah I felt pretty dissapointed and it didn't help that I went drinking over the weekend for my friend's birthday and skipped 2 days of Insanity. What also didn't help was that I wasn't eating the best. I was eating a little healthier but not enough to lose pounds.

I just completed my week 3. I have yet to weigh myself but I'm going to weight for another week. Although today is suppose to be my "rest day".. I continued to workout since I did skip 2 days in week 2. I did Cardio Abs and the Fit Test.

I've always been eating a lot better... these past couple days so hopefully that will help kick start my weight loss. Be proud.. I went grocery shopping at Whole Foods and bought a bunch of things that I could use to cook throughout the week. I cooked twice today.. pretty amazing huh. I think my bf would be proud :P

What I ate today:

Breakfast: Kashi cereal w/milk and banana
Lunch: Mixed greens w/olive oil vinegrette dressing (I made it myself!), feta cheese, tomatoes, sun dried tomatoes and 2 spoonfuls of spicy tuna
Snack: small piece of organic dark chocolate
Dinner: Organic bow tie pasta w/sun dried tomatoes, mozarella cheese, olives, basil, bell peppers, olive oil dressing and a small pcs of poached salmon (1/4 size)
Dessert: 1/2 Chocolate Shakeology (shared it with my mom)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I hate how I wait so late to blog.. but then again I wait super late to do my Insanity workouts.

Anyways, today I didn't eat so well!! I had another potluck at work.. grr.

Breakfast: Jamba Protein Berry Work Out and cheddar & tomato twist bread thingy?
Lunch: 2 sm pcs of chicken, 1 hot dog (no bun), one bite of rice, fried noodles, brocolli, chocolate cupcake ahhhh and half a cookie.. omg soooo baddddddddddd.
Snack: 1/2 organic yogurt
Dinner: Salad (just lettuce, carrots, italian dressing and parm cheese), cup of French onion soup and 5 sm pcs of chicken karaage
Dessert: 10 cal strawberry acai jello

Workout: Pure Cardio HELL!

Btw, I talked to my Insanity coach today who referred me to his Insanity coach. She was SUPER helpful and made me feel a lot better because I was kind of feeling down about not losing weight my first week. But she told me that most people don't and that it usually just comes off all of a sudden. The first week your body is in shock and it's holding on to water. She gave an example of like a blister lol. It helped me a lot though to realize that I shouldn't keep looking at the scale but instead of how I feel and how my clothes fit. The weight will come off eventually. So I'm going to stay focused. I'm even thinking about going to an Insanity mtg on Thurs to learn more about how to be a coach and perhaps selling it??

Ok well I'm pooped. Tomorrow I hope to eat more healthier. No more potlucks gawd damn it! Oh I forgot to mention I ordered the shakeology today. I heard it tastes good.. I'm excited lol.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Breakfast: Jamba banana oatmeal and OJ
Lunch: 3/4 of a Thai chicken spinach wrap and cup of clam chowder
Snack: Fiber One peach yogurt and string cheese
Dinner (Millions with Chiri & Sascha): Meat Jun, Gyu-tongue, bulgogi, 1/3 of my rice, kimchee daikon, lettuce, garlic, onions, egg custard and seaweed soup
Dessert: 4 small little donut balls filled with red bean from Japan

It was not a good idea to eat a big meal at dinner late at night and then workout 2 hrs later (mind you it was already 11pm). I was struggling quite a bit! I finished the workout but didn't push as hard as I'd like. Oh well, there is always tomorrow!


Monday, April 12, 2010


Thankgoodness today was my rest day... although a part of me felt guilty for not working out since I have been 6 days in a row. My weight hasn't changed which was a little dissapointing but I noticed I fit better in some of my clothes.

Today I spent the whole day with Russ. He's leaving tomorrow to Jakarta for a month so I'm pretty sad. Anyways I didn't eat too well today but whatever it's my day of splurging a little :P Starting tomorrow, I will eat more healthier and this time I got to stick to it!! It will be a little easier since Russ will be gone. I can focus more on my diet & exercise.

Breakfast: 4 small pcs of portuguese sausage, Japanese style egg omlette (2 eggs), rice and 3 small pcs of garlic potatoes
Late lunch (pupus at Ryan's): 1 pc peking duck, salad sampler (pea salad, chicken salad and pasta salad.. I ate half), 1 pc of kung pao pizza and a couple fries... oh and a kid's sundae!! Russ ordered it!! eep.
Dinner (at Benihana): Split the jumbo shrimp meal with Russ since we weren't too hungry. Had a couple pcs of scallops too. Ate most of my veggies and a little less than half of my garlic fried rice. Green tea ice cream for dessert.

Ugh, I ate so bad today. Tomorrow is a new day.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Wow can you believe I made it to day 6?? Thankgoodness tomorrow is my rest day which just so happens to be Russell's day off. Works out perfect eh?

Since it's a Saturday, I had some time to do it during the day instead of doing late at night. It still wasn't any easier but at least it made me feel more energized during the day.

So my eating today was so so until the end of the night where I splurged a little >_<

Breakfast: Boiled egg and banana
Lunch: Ceasar salad w/shrimp and a French onion soup from Tango (so yummy)
Snack: Kellog's 90 cal bar
Dinner: 4 pc salmon roll (took some rice out) and garlic edamame
Dessert: Haagen dazs brownie ice cream in a sprinkled cone

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Breakfast: Jamba's Protein Berry Bowl
Lunch (Potluck at work.. had a little bit of everything!): Kim chee fried rice, 2 pc of shoyu chicken (small), burrito (cut into a small pc), corn, brocolli, potato salad, lemon cake & butter mochi (BAD I KNOW!!.. I couldn't resist)
Snack: Munched on taro bread
Dinner: 1 cup of cream of mushroom soup, half a slice of tuna sandwich (did not eat crust) and a small bowl of spaghetti (left overs)

I did the Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs tonight. When I read that, I wasn't looking forward to it at all!! Gosh, I hate doing so many jumps & squats.. my legs are burning. I love Sean T but hate him at the same time. I tried to keep up with what I could but it was very difficult and had to stop numerous times throughout the workout. But I was dripping with sweat and my heart was racing so fast. My stomach is hurting right now.. I think it's from the ab workout. I feel nauseous.. bleh.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Insanity DAY 4

Breakfast: Jamba banana oatmeal & OJ
Snack: Couple bites of the organic lunches at school which was bite size chicken and peas, Fiber One yogurt
Lunch: Won ton soup
Snack: Fruit cup (pears)
Dinner: A bunch of left overs.. chicken katsu, garlic scallop fried rice, potato salad, teriyaki salmon and miso soup

Workout: Cardio Recovery
Since it is a recovery, it wasn't as "intense" as the other ones BUT it was still pretty tough. I shouted out, "I hate you Sean T" as I did my painful lunges. I was relieved that it was only 30 min though!

After I finished my workout, I drank the AMP Amplified Wheybolic Shake which is suppose to help ease the pain the next day and make you stronger to workout. It didn't taste too bad.. kind of like a watered down chocolate milk. HOWEVER, I do feel a bit nauseaus now. Not sure if it's cause of that or cause of the quick trim I took today. I ended up running to the toilet and puking just a little. UGHHH. I hope I feel ok tomorrow.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Insanity DAY 3

I'm going to make this brief since it's almost 2am and I got to wake up at 8am for work!

What I ate today:

Breakfast: Jamba banana oatmeal & orange juice
Snack: Half organic waffle sandwich w/ham & cheese (took it from one of the kid's lunches lol)
Lunch: Half of a chicken caesar salad & 1 garlic bread
Snack: Fiber One yogurt & special k bar
Dinner (ate at Suntory with Russ): Teriyaki chicken, half garlic fried rice, onions, bean sprouts, mushrooms, miso soup, salad and some raw sea bass... oh and green tea ice cream >_< It came with the meal ok!

I did Day 3 of Insanity around 11pm. Man I was pumped up to do it which was a surprise. Day 3 is just as intense as Day 2.. well at least it felt like it to me. I was having a hard time keeping up towards the end but I did what I could. I sure was sweating like a maniac! I felt good after I was done. My heart was pumping so fast... I don't think I've ever worked out this hard before. Like my hands were literally shaking! That's what Insanity does to you! I drank the recommended P90X Results & Recovery Formula that came with the kit. I was kind of dreading to try it cause I thought it wouldn't taste good but to my surprise it tasted like an orange dreamsicle! I loved it. I only drank half though cause it's like 220 calories or something like that. If it was during the day I would of drank it but I did my work out so late at night. I ordered more online since it tasted so good. Hopefully I won't be in too much pain tomorrow! My calves are hurting now.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Insanity DAY 2

So hopefully I won't pass out as I write this because I just finished DAY 2 of Insanity. I started it at 12 at midnight (dumb I know!) but that's because I had finished work at 6 and thought that I'd be able to do it a little later around 9pm. So I was planning to rest & eat dinner first. Then my bf surprises me and comes to my place after work and decides that he wants to go to Shokudo to eat and then to Walmart to buy a suitcase. I had already eaten dinner so I decided to just tag along and maybe nibble on a few things lol.

Anyways, DAY 2 was hardcore. The beginning started off okay but by the middle of the dvd I was ready to give up. But I kept going and pushed myself. My sis & mom were there to cheer me on and motivate me =) They are so cute. Although I took more breaks than needed, I still worked my BUTT OFF like crazy. I was dripping with sweat, it almost look like I came out of a shower. I guess that's a good thing though right? It was cute when my mom decided to jump in and work out with me.. she lasted for maybe 5 min haha.

After the workout was done, I was in great relief and could not wait to take a shower. I feel pretty good right now.. very relaxed and getting pretty sleepy. Oh yeah I went to GNC after work today and bought a post workout shake but I didn't take it tonight cause I didn't want to drink it so late at night. A friend told me that it would help me the next day from not being in so much pain from the workout lol. Hopefully it tastes good though? I got chocolate =)

So here is what I ate today (I did pretty good throughout the day but couldn't help but nibble on a few things at Shokudo..eep!)

Breakfast: Jamba's Protein Berry Bowl (my new addiction)... I realized though that this isn't exactly easy on the calories. It's a whopping 570 calories (I just searched it now). GAWD DAMN. That is more than a meal!! Oh well, at least I ate in the morning? It tastes so good too..

Lunch: Leftover steak & salad w/vinegrette dressing & tomatoes, string cheese, apple sauce

Snack: Handful of cheez-its (not good).

Dinner: Panda's orange chicken, honey walnut shrimp and mix steamed veggies (no rice!)

Late-night snack (THIS IS WHERE I CAVED IN): 1 pc of chicken quesidilla from Shokudo, 1 pc of scallop sushi and a couple bites of the scallop garlic rice.. so yummy yet so bad!!!!!

Ok so I tried to cut back on the carbs and I would have if I hadn't went to Shokudo but the food just looked too good. Plus my bf kept on insisting me to try their new dishes lol. Blame it on him!!

Tomorrow I think I may have to stick to oatmeal instead.. less calories! Ok, I think I'm ready to pass out. Good night.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Insanity DAY 1!

I finally received Insanity in the mail this Saturday. I was pretty excited but I wanted to wait till Monday since I would be spending the weekend at the Hilton Hotel with Russell for a little weekend getaway. Plus the Insanity calander starts on a Monday. Anyway, I will be blogging my progress and what I eat so I can be on track!

Today I started DAY 1 of Insanity which is the fitness test. Man I've heard a lot of things about Insanity.. like how hard it is, how they threw up the first time they did it and how they cried in the second month.. so I was already kind of expecting the worst. But I've also heard a lot of good RESULTS and that's all that matters.

So I did the fitness test and boy was it tough. I was dripping with sweat (that's a good thing) and feeling like I was just going to fall over from doing so many push up jacks and suicide jumps. This program is called Insanity for a reason!! My sister was a great motivater and helper. She kept me on track of how many I did of each exercise and logged it in =) When I was finally done with the fitness test, I was SO relieved and felt pure joy to have completed the first dvd. It was hard!! I can only imagine how the rest is going to be. But even after taking a shower, my legs were shaking. Yeah, that intense. I will continue to blog about each work-out I do everyday. I'm not going to include what I ate today cause it was BAD!! LOL. I'm going to start fresh tomorrow and eat healthier!! This weekend I wasn't so good about eating especially cause I was having a mini-vaca at the hotel with the lover.

Russ is leaving next week for about a month to Jakarta so this is the perfect time for me to focus on my fitness. I won't have as much interference since he'll be gone =P This is a 60 day work-out plan, but hopefully by the time he gets back, I'll look better & more toned! I want him to be surprised. I am so ready for this!! =)