Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Starting over - Day 1

Wow, long time no update. Yeah I've been slacking.. I'll admit it ;_; But hey I will say that I did finish month 1 of Insanity and managed to lose 5 lbs. Then Russ came back and all hell broke loose lol. I tried Day 1 of Month 2 and oh boy was that rough. I couldn't even finish it so I had to do the same video a couple times. It was hard to keep up the next following days cause Russ and I went out a lot and I really wanted to spend time with him. Then this past week, i got sick so I had no energy to work out.

I'm still sick so I skipped Insanity today and just did some not so intense workouts at home. I need to get back on track!! As soon as my cough goes away, I will be back on Insanity!!

Today I *tried* to eat healthy..

Breakfast: Shakeology w/fat free milk & banana
Lunch: Salad w/chicken, cucumbers and tomatoes
Snack: Green tea latte w/skim milk
Dinner: Left over spring rolls, 1/2 a steak, brown rice, salad
Dessert: 1 sm quarter size pc of dark chocolate
Late-night snack: handful of pistachios

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